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The Apricot

Local & regional heritage

A beautiful orange-red colour, a velvety skin, a sweet taste, the apricot is a true summer treat !

With over seventy varieties listed, apricots, which can be enjoyed from June to September, are a true regional ambassador.

The Valais currently supplies 98% of Swiss production. Nendaz est une des deux principales communes productrices. Les vergers sont concentrés aux alentours des villages de Bieudron, Fey, Cor et Baar. Le vallon de la Printse, aux hivers rigoureux et aux étés très chauds, est un terroir idéal pour la culture des abricotiers. Watered by a network of ancient irrigation channels, our orchards are ideal for producing the ripest and juiciest fruit.

Apricots can be used in many forms: tarts, jams, juices, sorbets, liqueurs or even schnapps. The Abricotine AOC, a 44° schnapps served very cold, is a favourite in our region. Those who appreciate something sweeter will prefer the apricot liqueur.

Do not hesitate and taste our apricots during your next summer visit !

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