Nendaz Trekking

Registrations for 2025 are not yet open!

Reservations must be made at least 5 days in advance.

Benefits and validity
1 route book
1 trip by shuttle bus from Nendaz to Veysonnaz
Nights in a cabin (dormitory), full board without drinks, tourist taxe included
The package is valid every day from June 29th to September 7th 2024 depending on the mountain cabins’ availability
Reservations must be made at least 5 days in advance.
Read the terms and conditions

Bank transfer 
Banque Cantonale du Valais
1997 Haute-Nendaz

code Swift BCVSCH2LXXX
Compte no. A 0826.34.04
IBAN CH07 0076 5000 A082 6340 4

Société de Développement
1997 Haute-Nendaz
Payment reason : Nendaz trekking