Tour of the Printse - Easy rider
MTB & E-bike
The Easy Rider version of the Tour of the Printse proposes to link Nendaz to Veysonnaz via Tracouet, Siviez and Thyon 2000. Despite its length, the tour remains accessible to a great number of people thanks to the use of the ski lifts. The technical level required to do this tour is not high: the important thing is to be accustomed to riding on dirt and gravel mountain tracks.
- Accessible by public transport
- Loop

At the top of the Tracouet gondola, follow the Mountain Bike signposts 133, 126, 137, 126 and 129 in this order. First ride downhill towards the Lac Noir then continue towards Siviez via the Aplanie track.
In Siviez, you can take the Combatseline chairlift. At the top, follow the dirt track towards la Meina. Continue by following the signposts to Veysonnaz and rendezvous at the bottom of the Veysonnaz gondola which takes you to Thyon. Then return to Siviez.
On the way, you pass by the the restaurant des Chottes before coming back to Combatseline via the same dirt track as before passing by la Meina. Ride downhill to Siviez via the Chottes de Novelly (cow sheds). When you arrive in Siviez, the return trip is via the main road until you reach the junction leading to Planchouet.
Cross the bridge after the chapel and follow the road downhill. Take the second path off to the right. The path zig zags down through the forest before returning on to the road.
Follow the signpost for «Haute-Nendaz Saclentse», cross the road and cross the pont de la Scie (bridge). Continue along this dirt and gravel road until you reach Saclentse, from where you can easily come back to Haute-Nendaz by road.